It’s easy to set goals, they say! But actually sticking to them…well, that’s a different story (for me, anyway)! Let’s dig into how you can set goals and actually stick to them.
Ever wonder how some people set goals and actually stick to them? First, you don’t want to leave your goal setting ONLY for a New Years Resolution time. While the beginning of a new year gives us all the feels and makes us feel like it’s a “new-year, new-us”, it’s not the only time we should be setting goals.

Most successful people set goals constantly.
They make adjustments to their goals, check them off, or push themselves even harder. Self-improvement is an ongoing cycle that shouldn’t restart just because a new year has begun.
In fact, many New Years Resolutions as used as a fresh slate to restart the timer that was left ticking the previous year (you know, the time we abandon our goals and say “oh I’ll start in the new year”). Yes, we’ve all been there!
Once you set your goals, keep them CLOSE BY!
I like to keep my goals on my phone & in a journal. I spend quite a bit of time using both, so I want to make sure there are plenty of opportunities during the day for me to see my goals.
Feed the BEAST.
So you have a goal to build an online Etsy shop? FEED the beast by listening to youtube channels and podcasts about it! Any free time you get, feed the beast! Not only does this help grow your knowledge about the topic (how to start an Etsy shop, for example), but it keeps your MOTIVATION UP!!!
Talk it UP!
That’s right! Talk about it! But, not just to anyone. Talk about it with someone you trust. Preferably someone who may be your partner in these goals, to some degree. For me, that’s my husband. He is my partner in crime and we talk about goals EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
We fail at some (we even realize some weren’t right for us), but at least we can say we tried! Talking about it helps you act upon it.
Don’t give up easily.
Nothing, nothing, NOTHING will be easy. All good things take hard work and dedication. So when those goals seem unreachable, don’t get discouraged. Find a baby step you can take in that direction. It may not get you there FAST, but it will get you closer.
Get your supplies.
I love to keep journals handy so I can jot down ideas on the go. You never know when an idea will strike so you’re going to want to write it down! If you write it down, you’ll have a better chance of getting it done! Whenever I’m listening to podcasts and there’s something I want to remember, I quickly jot it down in one of my notebooks (seriously I even keep a mini notebook in my car)! My life gets so busy and I become forgetful…I don’t want my busy life to get in the way of my goals!
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Until next time,

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